Archive for the CoJo Category

A first rate song

Posted in CoJo with tags , , , on Wednesday, November 18 by Cojo

This is the long awaited video to one of my favorite songs. Also you may note Aaron Rux in the video as it’s his song

A quote and a thought

Posted in CoJo with tags , , on Friday, October 31 by Cojo

I was just reading an online interview of Tom Robbins and I came across a quote from him I found very interesting.

What at this point, for Tom Robbins, is the ultimate goal?

Actually, what I’m interested in right now is the idea of having some kind of moratorium on the belief in an afterlife. Much of the world believing in an afterlife leads to much of the world’s primary ills. An ending to this belief would increase the quality and sanctity in the life we already know we have. Nobody has proven that any of the ideas of an afterlife are true. No one knows for sure. Therefore, as long as you believe in an afterlife, you’ll be willing to accept suppression, repression in this life. It would be much quicker to press the red button. I think that’s one of the problems.

It does seem that some people treat “life” as a dress rehersal. This seems very sad when to the best of my knowledge this very likely is all we get. If God came down today and told everyone, “There is no heaven or hell. You have 60, 70, maybe 80 years and then it’s over”. Would people be making the same life choices? Certainly some people would continue on their path, but I think a lot of people would have to take a hard look at their life.

Well that is just something to think about. I hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween!

Cool Hippie Video

Posted in CoJo with tags , , on Tuesday, October 14 by Cojo

Here is a video I took while I was in Byron Bay, Australia. I realized today that 8,500 people have now viewed it so I took decided to check it out again. It is actually pretty cool. If you want to read the entire story of this video and the second most fun day of my life you can check it out here

Sarah Palin and Joe Biden on Saturday Night Live

Posted in CoJo with tags , , , , , , , on Tuesday, October 7 by Cojo

This is very funny. You know what is not funny is the fact that Tina Fey is actually more qualified to be vice president of the United States of America. Also Jason Sudeikis’ Joe Biden is hilarious.

I can’t figure out a better way to put this video up. Parker please figure this out.

How can anyone not hate Sarah Palin???

Posted in CoJo with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on Thursday, October 2 by Cojo

I on the whole try to keep the emotion of hate out of my life, but everytime I hear someone say they like the choice of Sarah Palin for Vice President it takes all my power not to go into a murderous rage and kill them on the spot. How the fuck can you like this woman. I just spent 15 minutes looking at information about her and I had to stop before I killed our secretary just for being a woman. Here are just a few (of unnumerable) reasons to hate this woman.

1) Here is her fucking academic resume:
“Palin attended several colleges and universities. In 1982, she enrolled at Hawaii Pacific College but left after her first semester. She transferred to North Idaho community college, where she spent two semesters as a general studies major. From there, she transferred to the University of Idaho for two semesters.[11][12] During this time Palin won the Miss Wasilla Pageant beauty contest,[13][14] then finished third (second runner-up) in the Miss Alaska pageant,[15][16] at which she won a college scholarship and the “Miss Congeniality” award.[17] She then left the University of Idaho and attended Matanuska-Susitna community college in Alaska for one term. The next year she returned to the University of Idaho where she spent three semesters completing her Bachelor of Science degree in communications-journalism, graduating in 1987″

Wow are you fucking kidding me?


Wow are you fucking kidding me?


Wow are you fucking kidding me? She seems to not know the name of a single fucking news paper.

4) This quote from LA Times

Soon after Sarah Palin was elected mayor of the foothill town of Wasilla, Alaska, she startled a local music teacher by insisting in casual conversation that men and dinosaurs coexisted on an Earth created 6,000 years ago — about 65 million years after scientists say most dinosaurs became extinct — the teacher said.

Palin told him that “dinosaurs and humans walked the Earth at the same time,” Munger said. When he asked her about prehistoric fossils and tracks dating back millions of years, Palin said “she had seen pictures of human footprints inside the tracks,” recalled Munger, who teaches music at the University of Alaska in Anchorage and has regularly criticized Palin in recent years on his liberal political blog, called Progressive Alaska. (,0,1440865.story)

Wow are you fucking kidding me?

All that great info in only 15 minutes.

Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted in CoJo with tags , , on Thursday, September 25 by Cojo

I don’t really like Matt Damon that much, but he makes some pretty good/funny points.

Terrance McKenna

Posted in CoJo with tags , , , , , on Monday, September 8 by Cojo

Terrance Mckenna is to human beings what burning man is to festivals. I didn’t really prescreen these, they just happened to be two videos I watched today at work. If you are interested in unique thinkers you really should spend a few hours and see what Terrance McKenna has to offer…

10 Things That Don’t Make Sense To Me (#3)

Posted in CoJo with tags , , , , on Thursday, July 24 by Cojo

#3- The incredible effect put into making people live longer and longer. Whenever you see any medical research it is invariably about some way to cure some disease or cancer in the name of extending human life. This certainly seems like a noble cause, doesn’t it? To put it simply No. In the little world that goes on inside my head this seems to be a huge waste of both time and money. In an effort to explain my train of thought I will attempt to make one of those geometric proof we learned in 9th grade.

1) People over the age of 70 are fucking miserable (FACT)*
2) Current medical research efforts are increasing your chances of living beyond 70 (FACT)
3) Therefore, Current medical research is conduit a of misery
4) Misery is widely considered to be a negative trait in our current society (FACT)
5) Things that create negative traits should be avoided (FACT)
6) Therefore, Current medical research should be avoided


Now that this is undeniably proven you may wonder what I would suggest we use our research on. Well that answer is simple: Anything to make you enjoy your 69.999 yrs on this earth as much as possible and secondly humane/hilarious methods of killing yourself at 11:59 on the eve before your 70th birthday.

A few suggestions for enjoying life more…new much crazier drugs, more of those adult go-karts at a more affordable price, new sexual orifices for chicks (stolen from Stanhope), Ice Cream nachos (stolen from Lawson).

I think I may actually sorta belief this shit; have I finally lost my mind?

* You could also do the same proof with: People over the age of 70 are huge fucking drains on our economy and standard of living. A play on the old Eskimo trick of just kicking the old people out of the village when they started getting annoying.

The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

Posted in CoJo with tags , , , , , , on Thursday, July 17 by Cojo

A few nights ago I was just about to go to sleep when I stumbled upon a film entitled “The King of Donkey Kong, A fist full of quarters”. All hopes of getting a good nights sleep were soon thrown right out the window. For the next 2 hrs I was completely glued to my TV like never before. When it was finally over it was 2AM and I my life was completely changed.

PLEASE do yourself a favor and watch this film. Here is the basic premise. The film centers on 2 rival “gamers” that in 2006 are trying to set the all-time high score in the seemingly irrelevant original Donkey Kong arcade game. You have a classic battle between Good and Evil.

The antagonist of the film- Billy Mitchell.

Arguably the worlds most famous competitive gamer. You might know him as the first man ever to get a perfect score on Pacman, or more likely you might not know him at all. I don’t know want to ruin the movie for you but think of if Lucas Wunsch fucked Lucas Wunsch and had a kid. That kid would be Billy Mitchell.

A few fun facts about Billy

-He always wears an American flag tie (he has his reasons…which you will have to watch the film to find out)
-Mitchell was voted “Dweebus Maximus Dorkus of both the 20th and 21st centuries”.
-He has a minion of loyal followers who are somehow ever dorkier than him.

The protagonist of the film is mild mannered Steve Wiebe.

A complete life failure who cries quite a bit. After you get to know him you really can’t help but route for this pathetic family man. He has honestly failed at everything he has ever done in his entire life, but he has one last chance to vindicate his existence on this planet. You guessed it the 1970’s arcade game DONKEY KONG!!!!!!!!!!!!

Opinions are like Nazi Germany…

Posted in CoJo with tags , , , , on Wednesday, June 25 by Cojo

I went for a hike after work today. I decided I was going to use the time alone to try and think of something to write about. I have always really enjoyed writing, but lately I have found it pretty difficult. Today would be the day I actually put a little effort in. After about an hour the realization struck me that I honestly had nothing to say. Nothing. Not a political injustices to thwart or a commentary on some form of social retardation, not even a horribly embellished account of something I sorta did. That got me thinking, “Where did all the ideas go?” I had always been so full of pride will all the theories and philosophies I conjured up or more often than not blatantly plagiarized. I used these ideas to define myself. Without ones ideals and prejudices what is left?

My first thought was that perhaps I was just getting mentally dull with age and social repetition. I mean I am already 25 and a half, maybe I was falling into an early case of the mental atrophy that seems to consume all seniors. There is obviously a day in everyone’s life when they stop having/accepting new thoughts and go with the fall back plan of telling of old irrelevant stories and blind stubbornness. Was it possible my time had just come a few decades to early?

Though still possible after a little more mental investigation this didn’t seem to be the case. Now more than ever I felt a hunger for knowledge. A few years after leaving my formal education behind me I was able to step past being the GPA junky that high school and college had warped me into. I no longer was going through the administrative motions solely to acquire some artificial incentive; I felt I had acquired a genuine interest in learning.

After a little deeper thought it finally dawned on me what is happening. It seems I am losing my ability to hold an opinion. Sure I have opinions on everything, like we all do. There is not an aspect of this world I don’t have some belief on. Work sucks, he’s stupid, I’m right, Seahawks rule, that’s fun, she’s beautiful, that should be legal, that should probably be made illegal. I still have all those racing through my head every second, what has happened though is that I have started realizing how fucking retardedly arbitrary my opinions really are. Nothing I “think” has any real relevance to the reality of the world. It is only my subjective manipulation of the actual facts of the world being manifested as my opinion. I have always grasped opinions in the past because they gave me some form of intellectual leverage over the world that made “me” something. I was always trying to be right and prove my grasp of life. As have spent more time paying attention to myself and being aware of life, not thinking about it but just simple observing it for what it is, it has become more and more apparent to me that all this thought really is is a crude often insecure self shielding way of manipulating the reality of life.

I don’t really know how to end this; I am certainly not trying to come off as though I have figured anything out. Quite the opposite the more time I spent considering life the less it seems to make sense to me. All I am trying to say is that my OPINION is that we are all completely full of shit and we should step back and look at the foundation of our beliefs and see if there really is a foundation at all.